Monday, June 29, 2009


So yesterday there was a conflict at my daughters moms house, and my daughter was attacked by a woman and two men. She is ok now, but has multiple concusions, a fractured thumb, and her jaw is out of alignment. She's here at home, we're helping her rest.

Besides that, it's HOTTTT in Fresno.

Have a good day, everyone.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

First payment made!

So this morning I made a $60 payment for Edo. It came from the donation jar at Kristinas.


Friday, June 26, 2009


I got new furniture (a friend gave us some since mine is torn up), and I've moved stuff around, in preparation for Edo. I also installed a air conditioner I bought last summer. It was difficult for me to install, so I had to have my daughters boyfriend help me pick it up. I don't think it was actually all that heavy, my body just wouldn't do it.

I was going to visit Edo this weekend, but my step son is getting married in 6 weeks, so we had to sit down and go over the list of people going. Wanted to make sure everyone was on the list. I wish we could help him and his Fiance out more, but we're stuck financially.

Well the donation jar at Kristinas is doing good I heard! It gives me a lot of hope, I'm excited.

Any donations can be used as a tax write off, I have the tax code, if you'd like it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Contacting me.

You can contact me at

if you have any questions, comments, concerns and you don't want to create a blog to do so, e-mail me.

Thanks, Eli.

Got my cooling vest today.

I applied for a cooling vest to keep me cool in the heat, since the doctor advised me not to be in the heat. I work on a lot of projects around my house, so I need to be able to stay cool and do what little I can. I applied for that and a pillow and pretty much it's a vest and a pillow that has ice packs inside to keep me cool. I was very suprised on how fast they got it to me. I'm freezing the ice packs right now so I probably won't try it out til tomorrow. Which will be good, because it's going to be hotter tomorrow than it is today.

I also applied for a donation through the MS society and the highest amount they can offer is $400. They asked me where I would get the rest of my funding and I try to explain how I've sent out letters. I almost feel as if they will deny my application solely based on the fact that I'm not quite sure how I'll finish raising the rest of the money. I hope it goes through though because $400 is still quite a bit. That'll knock me down to $5,100.

I might go visit Edo this weekend. Even though I will have to go through the "training bootcamp" once I am able to bring Edo home, it is very nice to get to see him now. He gives me hope and I also think that by visiting him and getting him comfortable around me now, it might be easier to train during the training session.

At Kristinas Ranch on first & barstow I have a change jar. It also has a picture of Edo on the front. Thank you all at Kristinas for letting me put a donation jar in your store.

Also, thank you Mike Oz for helping spread the word about my blog:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17th 2009

I'm feeling ok, writing letters. My medicine seemed to help today, many days it doesn't. I have things to do today, but I'm worried about doing them because when I get into heat, it takes a toll on my entire body. I get light headed, and weak, and almost to the point where I can no longer see anything around me.

But anyway, I'm going to my doctor, after taking my daugther by my dads.

I'll try to update later.


Anything helps:)

I'm sending in any money I'm able to get myself, and I think I'm really going to need the help.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hi, my name is Eli Melander, and I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis for almost a year now. I'm currently seeking to buy a Service Dog since MS is a progressive disease. MS has caused me to have extreme fatigue, loss of balance, weakened limbs, have slurred speech, swallowing problems, cognitive difficulties, and depression. These symptoms will continue to get worst, so I have decided to get a service dog.

The service dog that I have visited and that has been chosen for me is named Edo. He is about one year old, and is a Golden Retreiver. He's one of the few things that are giving me hope right now. Edo is taught over 90 commands and will be able to assist me in anything from opening doors, to pulling me in a wheel chair(that I will eventually need). The biggest benefit I can get from Edo is comapnionship. I do not want to resort to taking medcations for depression, but I get pretty lonely staying home all day since it is difficult to walk much.

On this blog, I'm going to try and post as much as possible... to let everyone know how my adventure to get my dog Edo. I'm trying to raise $5,500 before august. If you know anyone who can donate, it is a tax deductable, non profit organization, I can send you the tax ID#. I can't wait for the day that I get to bring home Edo.

I've sent out donations letters, I'll let you know if any come through:)

Oh and Kristinas on First & Barstow will have a donation jar as of tomorrow:)

Help me bring EDO home!!!